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Wanted advertisements (1)

MERAKLI-GmbH Bau- und Industriebedarf
PASCHAL Logo & (Alu) /TTR / Ischebeck TITAN Alu Megashore /
Wir suchen für unseren Export:
- PASCHAL Logo / Logo Alu Schalungen
- PASCHAL TTR Rundschalungen
- ISCHEBECK Titan Alu Traggerüste (Rahmen/Stützen/Spindeln...)
- DOKA Framax Xlife Höhe 3,00 m

We are looking for following to export:
- PASCHAL Logo / Logo Alu Formworks
- PASCHAL TTR Circular Formworks
- ISCHEBECK Titan Alu Megashore Towers (Frames,/Props/Spindles...)
- DOKA Framax Xlife 300 cm high


12 days 34min ago

Member for 11 years
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